Information for South African Donors

Tax Deductibility of Donations

The James Christopher Foundation is a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) for South African Income Tax purposes.

South African taxpayers may deduct donations made to registered PBOs from their taxable income up to a maximum of 10% of their pre-donation taxable income. Any excess may be carried forward to the following year of assessment for deduction.

In order to be eligible for this deduction, you must request a section 18A receipt for your donation, and retain this for your records.

Donations to a PBO are exempt from donations tax.

The James Christopher Foundation is registered as an "Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling ("ANBI") in the Netherlands.

EU taxpayers who make donations to an ANBI registered organisation are eligible to deduct their donations for personal income tax purposes, with certain thresholds and limits potentially applying. Donations to an ANBI registered organisation are exempt from donations tax. For more information please contact us.